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Check what’s happening this week! Click here to see the full calendar
  • Encounter

    October 16, 2024 | 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
    22 Allambie Cres, Ulverstone TAS 7315, Australia

  • Raise Youth - Senior Citizens Night

    October 18, 2024 | 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
    22 Allambie Cres, Ulverstone TAS 7315, Australia

  • PS Coffee Connect

    October 19, 2024 | 9:30 am - 10:30 am

  • Prayer

    October 20, 2024 | 8:30 am - 9:00 am
    22 Allambie Cres, Ulverstone TAS 7315, Australia

  • Ulverstone Service 9:30am

    October 20, 2024 | 9:30 am - 11:00 am
    22 Allambie Cres, Ulverstone TAS 7315, Australia

  • Port Sorell Service 10am

    October 20, 2024 | 10:00 am - 11:30 am

  • PS Open House

    October 22, 2024

  • Men's Get Together

    October 22, 2024 | 6:30 am - 7:30 am
    Life Christian Church - Ulverstone, 22 Allambie Cres, Ulverstone TAS 7315, Australia

Get Involved

We’re passionate about seeing you:

Connect to God through developing a personal relationship with Jesus and to see you connect to His church and to others.

Grow deeper in your relationship with God and find your role in our church family through small groups and short courses to help you grow into the person that God has created you to be.

Share the joy, purpose and excitement that comes as we share our time, energy, experience, finances, gifts and talents in serving God and serving other people.

Here’s where you can get involved!


The bible teaches us both the principles of giving a tithe (the first 10 percent of our income) to enable the work of the local church and of cultivating a heart of generosity toward others. When we give, it’s a sign of trust and that we’re putting God first. You can be part of making a difference both at Life and in our community.


There’s nothing better then having the bible really come to life as you read. Following a daily reading plan is one way to help you read and discover truths that will change your life.

At Life, we encourage the use of the Life Journal Plan that will take you through the bible in a year. As well as reading scripture, it can really come to life when you’re thinking out how it applies to your life and journaling your thoughts (even if they’re only brief!)

With that in mind, we use the acrostic SOAP as we read and journal.

S: Scripture. Which passage particularly stands out? Be prayerful and expectant as you read..
O: Observation. What is happening/what are the main themes in the passage?
A: Application. How does this apply to me personally?
P: Prayer. With the above in mind, what is my prayer?

Here are journals from some of our people to help you get started ‘soaping’!

No favourites
  • S

    Ephesians 3 4b-6 (MSG) The mystery is that people who have never heard of God and those who have heard of him all their lives (what I’ve been calling outsiders and insiders) stand on the same ground before God. They get the same offer, same help, same promises in Christ Jesus. The Message is accessible and welcoming to everyone, across the board.
  • O

    Paul is talking about the mystery of Christ. What is this mystery? One that simple, yet at the same time, one that can be hard for humans to wrap their minds around. No matter who you are - if you've known Christ all your life or you're a brand new Christian and are only just discovering the things of Christ - we all stand on the same ground. We all have the same access to him, we can all claim the same promises, there's no favouritism.
  • A

    The mystery of Christ goes against how the world generally thinks. Climbing the ladder, building reputation - Christ shows no favourites and I need to remember this. We all have the same access to Christ - so when I feel less 'worthy' or not a spiritual giant, I need to remember that the mystery of Christ is that it doesn't matter!
  • P

    Thank you God that your ways are not my ways - and that we all stand on the same ground before you, regardless of how we 'feel'. I pray that you reveal yourself to me - that I may be found in the centre of your will making a difference in the world.
Swallow your pride
  • S

    Proverbs 8:13 - All who fear the Lord will hate evil. Therefore, I (wisdom) hate(s) pride and arrogance, corruption and perverse speech.
  • O

    Wisdom is not a friend of pride & arrogance. The two cannot exist together.
  • A

    If I'm proud, then I'm not wise. If I'm arrogant, then it would be safe to say I'm foolish. To often I've seen proud people fall at the first hurdle because they lack wisdom. And it's a lesson I've learnt particularly in business (even today) - to never be too proud or arrogant. Even if I think I'm right, if the client thinks I'm wrong it's better to just say sorry and fix the issue. That's wisdom! There's no room for pride or arrogance if you really want to grow. if its wisdom I seek, then I need to put others before myself and swallow my pride.
  • P

    Lord, help me to remember that, when I'm particularly annoyed or frustrated, that swallowing my pride is the wisest thing to do. Give me the strength to do this and the character to be gentle - so that wisdom may grow and pride/arrogance my decrease in my life.
Hard times develop character
  • S

    Eph 5 v 3-4 3 Not only so, but we also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; 4 perseverance, character; and character, hope.
  • O

    This is an often quoted scripture that rings true every time I read it. I love the way The Message puts it....: "We continue to shout our praise even when we’re hemmed in with troubles, because we know how troubles can develop passionate patience in us, and how that patience in turn forges the tempered steel of virtue, keeping us alert for whatever God will do next." Even when we're hemmed in with troubles we shout with praise because we know these troubles serve a purpose.
  • A

    Such a great thing to read, but I've got to be honest, sometimes a tricky thing to remember. I live a very blessed life with a fantastic wife and kids and I work at a job I love, but sometimes it's hard. Sometimes there are days where it feels too hard even - but reading this passage reminds me to stick at it, to keep smiling and keep God in the focus, because the hard times will develop character in me. And at the end of the day, it's my character that God wants to see grow and develop. So, next time I feel under the pump, I'll think of this verse, take a breath, and think about the patience, character and hope that can grow out of it.
  • P

    Lord, please help me to not shy away from problems, but to remember they are part of life and part of what develops character in me.


In every home there are jobs that need doing. At Life, we serve where we are needed and minister where we are gifted – and we need you to help with the various jobs in our home! Please let us know your details and where you can help serve, and one of our team will be in contact.

    I can serve in:


    Life is better when it’s done with others. Life Groups meet regularly and are a time for deeper connection, discipleship and encouragement with 8 -12 other people in your area. Send your details and we’ll be in touch with more information.

      I can serve in:


      From its very beginnings, Life Christian Church has been passionate about looking ‘outward’ and supporting people in both our local and global community – to see them reach their potential, to provide assistance where there was greatest need, and to generally just show the love of Christ through our actions. Prior to founding the church in 2004, our senior pastor Peter Shurley had made dozens of trips to a number of third-world countries with various organisations. Peter’s 25+ year partnership with Compassion Australia has also seen over 3000 children sponsored and released from poverty – a number that continues to grow. Peter’s passion for global missions is a strong thread that continues to be woven through the fabric of our church today. Here’s a snapshot of what we’re doing:

      Orphanage & Home for the Disabled | MYANMAR

      This is home to over 50 orphaned or disabled people. We continue to support the work both financially and with regular visits, and over the years have been instrumental in covering both daily running costs and in developing the infrastructure required to house these beautiful people who would otherwise have to seek out an existence on the street.

      Karen Baptist Theological Seminary | MYANMAR

      The Karen Baptist Theological Seminary was established in 1845, and each year more than 1000 students attend to study both bachelor and masters courses before starting or joining the staff of local Karen churches. Our people individually provide scholarships to 75 students every year, fully funding their living and educational expenses. Just $250 AUD per student per year is all it takes to make a big difference!